Monday, September 06, 2010


I want my two boys to develop further their Reading & English comprehension. I know that teaching Filipino children to be bilingual is a tough job so my hubby and I decided to involve them in tutoring lessons. This will be supplementary lessons for MJM. We as their parents will still handle their day-to-day lessons in all of their subjects. The tutoring lesson focuses only on Reading & English and lasts for two hours once in a week.

I personally believe that children can acquire language skills at any age with full encouragement and support. Given this, we know that it will still be helpful for them to associate English with whoever close to them. We need to speak with them mostly in English. So, goodluck to us :)


cutemama said...

wow ok yan.....

carinamodella said...

Thanks cutemama!

jellybelly said...

I speak to my daughter purely in english because her Dad is Indonesian but whenever she hears a tagalog word she picks it up right away. I read that a baby is pre wired to easily pick up the native language which is what they hear while in the tummy.

w0rkingAth0mE said...

ok yan ah encourage ko din ang daughter ko to speak english she's turning 3 this november. By the way i have something for u inmy blog check it out - its an award for you.

carinamodella said...

@jellybelly: True! Unfortunately, i didn't do that during my pregnancy
@mona: thanks...thanks...thanks sa award!

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